Frequently Questions

Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself

Can i speak to a customer service associate?

You can give us a call anytime, email or order online at any time and we will process your request as soon as we are back in the office.

Where do you accept orders from? Can i order if i am outside of Europe or USA?

We do ship to many locations around the world. Importation is solely your responsibility, We do not deliver to Cuba, North Korea, Libya. 

Who can place an order?

You can place an order with us either as an individual either as a cosmetic company or a clinic. We do not require a license to purchase with us.

What currency are your prices in? Are your prices in US Dollars?

All prices we quote on Uzoumedic are in US dollars. But you can use the currency switcher to convert the amount in your local currency.

When will i get my order?

Due to COVID-19 procedures and precautions, shipping times may be delayed. We ship your order within two business days, and on average the orders take around 1 to seven business days to arrive.

What are the delivery times?

Uzoumedic offers 3 shipping options :

  • Normal Delivery : 5-7 days
  • Express Delivery : 2-3 days
  • 1 day Delivery : 1-2 days

How do i pay for my order?

You can pay for your order using wire bank transfer, western union, moneygram , zeller, bitcoin or paypal. We do not support 30-day payment terms at this time.

How much do you charge for shipping?

We are really concerned to offer you the fastest delivery as possible and for this we apply the following shipment fees : standard shipping $40, express shipping $60 and 2 days delivery $80

How do discounts work?

You can place a bulk orders with Uzoumedic. We offer discounts from 5 to 50% discount depending on your order quantity. For the main time, you receive a discount of 10% if you order at least 2,000 usd.

Are your products real/copies?

What is your refund policy?

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