Buy Neauvia Organic Intense LV

Buy Neauvia Organic Intense LV

Buy Neauvia Organic Intense LV



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Buy Neauvia Organic Intense LV includes high viscoelasticity and higher modelability. It provides profound tissue recovery of correction and volume: Neauvia Organic Intense LV is appropriate especially for profound filling of epidermis depressions in powerful aged skin, for example:

  • Deep wrinkles
  • nasolabial folds
  • eyebrow
  • chin
  • nose edging
  • facial skin

Benefits include:

  • This product Comprises a higher concentration of hyaluronic acid 26 mg/ml
  • High viscoelasticity
  • Fantastic voluminous results
  • Natural effects

Neauvia Organic Intense LV fillers are biomimetic, by virtue of this PEG-cross-linked technology they have a higher safety and tolerability profile.

Each Neauvia Organic Intense LV Filler mention is dependant on a particular mixture of HA and PEG for unique signs and shot airplanes.

Indications if you buy Neauvia Organic Intense LV

For medium and ardently obsolete skin

  • Profound filling of skin melancholy (comprised deep wrinkles and nasolabial folds),
  • lips, nose and chin simulating,
  • facial lotion.

Buy Neauvia Organic Intense LV
Hyaluronic Acid, Cross Linked: 26 mg/ml

Glycine and L Proline



  • 1 x 1ml prefilled syringe
  • Inch x ray cannula: 22G 50-mm
  • Inch x ray needle: 21G 40mm


  • hyper sensitivity to at least one of those components,
  • skin disease near the site of shot,
  • patients vunerable to keloid formation, including
  • pregnant or lactating ladies,
  • allergy or anaphylaxis,
  • bleeding disorders,
  • auto immune disorders,
  • antibiotic therapy.

Additional information


3 boxes, 5 boxes, 7 boxes, 10 boxes


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