Buy Surgiderm 24XP Online

Buy Surgiderm 24XP Online

Buy Surgiderm 24XP Online



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Buy Surgiderm 24XP Online can be an sterile Hyaluronic Acid dermal filler made with a patented cross linking process called 3 d Hyaluronic Acid Matrix Technology.

This technology helps to ensure Surgiderm 24XP will resist degradation and continue more compared to additional curricular fillers.

Developed by Corneal Group that’s now part of Allergan Inc., Surgiderm 24XP allergan filler gel is clinically suggested for adjusting mild skin depressions and eyebrow definition. The solution comes in just two 0.8ml syringes and can be packed with an education booklet, 4 Fragrant 30G 1/2″ sterile needles, in addition to two collections of tags to guarantee trace ability.

Surgiderm 24XP price is also Allergan Inc.’s caliber assortment of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) dermal fillers. It’s utilised to develop the overall look of lots of the locations that reveal the symptoms of aging, like the eyebrow, eyes, cheekbones, lips, mouth, and chin.

Benefits if you Buy Surgiderm 24XP Online

Surgiderm 24XP can be an hyaluronic acid dermal filler created for injection in to the moderate dermis to take care of moderate to deep wrinkles and lines, also for enhancing and placing the lips. Surgiderm 24XP prezzo can be utilised to enhance the overall look of a number of the locations that show signs of aging, like the eyebrow, eyes, cheekbones, lips, mouth, and chin.

Buy Surgiderm 24XP Online

The package includes:

2 x 0,8ml syringes

Advantages of Surgiderm® 24XP 0,8M L:

  • Heal medium to deep wrinkles and lines
  • Enhance and define eyebrow
  • Spots: Forehead eyes, lips, mouth, chin and lips

The length of time can the effect continue ?
Generally speaking, results could last from 9 to 12 weeks. The duration is dependent upon someone’s life style, age and skin type.

Additional information


5 kits, 7 kits, 10 kits, 15 kits


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